Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sodium = 24%

Can any foodstuff where almost a quarter of its weight is Sodium be any good for anybody. I am not talking about a bag of potato chips, by the way. This is on the back of a pack of Presidents Choice Mediterranean Chicken.

Apart from having salt added, it has these too..

  • Sodium lactate has a mild saline taste. It may be used in shampoo products and other similar items such as liquid soaps as it is an effective moisturiser.
  • Sodium diacetate, usually in combination with lactates, is widely used by the meat packing industry as an excellent anti-microbial preservative. Vinegar taste on potato chips or tacos can be achieved by adding 0.1% sodium diacetate.

As an added treat for Type 2 Diabetics, it also has Dextrose added.

  • Dextrose, commonly called glucose, d-glucose, or blood sugar, occurs naturally in food, and is moderately sweet. It is a monosaccharide (basic unit of carbohydrates, C6H1206) and has a high glycemic index (digested carbohydrates ability to raise blood glucose levels, also called Gl) ranking at 100.

On the front of the pack, it states that there are no added nitrites. Is this because two other Sodium compounds have been found which do the same job. The two compounds above have been passed as safe, but then so have nitrites.

Loblaws will think that I have it in for them, but I don’t. All processed foodstuff is the same, and all manufacturers will be looking for a way to re-word the labelling such that it appears to be better for us.

I can never see a time when North America or the UK will ever stop charging a premium for healthy food. If I won the lottery, I would scarper back to Spain where people still eat decent stuff and one has to pay a premium to buy the crap that kills us..

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