Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it real?

I don’t know about you, but I really detest polythene packed sliced white bread. It may be a miracle of mass production, and it may contain all of the ingredients which go to making bread, but bread it most definitely isn’t.


I recently ate a couple of slices of Dempster’s Smart16, and like almost all other white sliced loaves, it had a distinctive taste which I did not recognize as being bread. I sometimes think that eating the wrapper would be more beneficial.

The manufacturing process includes ‘bleaching’ which is what accounts for the aftertaste for many people. See here..

This is an interesting website too..

Should anybody be eating this stuff? I don’t think so. When I was a kid, we didn’t have bread like the above. It was all baked locally and for the most part was a pleasure to eat. Modern white sliced bread is just a convenience, and in my opinion an unpleasant convenience at that.

Wholemeal bread is not much better either when produced in the same way. If you are going to eat bread, try to buy locally baked. Many major grocery stores in Canada make their own, and the difference in taste and texture is night and day.

Do your kids a favour and stop giving them the crappy stuff. It is only marginally cheaper and will save your kids developing health problems later in life which will cost them more than just money.

Note that while I have mentioned the Dempster name, ALL mass produced bread is made to the same standards, and should be avoided at all costs. As long as people buy this stuff, the manufacturers will have no problem supplying it. They don’t care as long as they make money.

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