Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fish.. Is it safe to eat?

I bought a pack of frozen Basa fish recently. To be honest, I had no idea what type of fish Basa was, but I knew that it was not part of the Cod family. While I was bread crumbing, the consistency was slightly rubbery, so I looked it up on the Internet.

Yikes. Malachite Green, human excreta, industrial waste, was their nothing to which these fish were not subjected? Naughty Asians for making those poor old Basa eat nasty stuff. You almost put me off eating any of the pack at all, and I am not sure that I will ever buy more.

The above made me read up on fish generally, and this is part of what I found.

Yikes. Canada and the USA are no better. Both countries seem more interested in how it affects the economy more than how it affects health, but why wouldn’t they?

With all of the testing that can be done, we can learn what is good and bad, but don’t kid yourself that  pollution of environments is anything new. The industrial Victorians didn’t give a hoot what they let out into water tables, rivers  and oceans. I doubt that  fish has been safe for the last two hundred years and more.

So, does fish pass my ‘safe’ test?  The jury is out presently. Land based farm animal diets puts them in the ‘suspicious’ category too.

What is a foodie like me to do? Ignore all of the warnings, or go hungry for days at a time? Maybe if I over cook everything, that will help. If it doesn’t, I will end up in an obituary list in the local newspaper.


1 comment:

    safe to eat
